Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude with This Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Idea

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude with This Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Idea

Over the past couple of years, I’ve learned how to personally practice gratitude through podcasts, books and experiences. I’ve honestly fallen in love with gratitude. I have journals filled with things that I am grateful for– the big monumental things like the birth of my daughter, but also the very small things like a hot cup of coffee in my bathrobe on a cold morning. Practicing gratitude has allowed me to start my day in a positive way and notice all of the things I have to be grateful for before the madness of the day sets in. 

Have you ever heard of the saying “attitude of gratitude?” It is true that when you start to practice gratitude you start to notice very minute things that you can be grateful for… for example just the other day I noticed a blue jay flying past my kitchen window as my daughter and I were eating breakfast and I thought to myself, my goodness am I thankful for this moment! That sounded corny as I typed it but you catch my drift (LOL). 

It was at that moment the bird flew by, with Taylor Swift playing in the background, that the idea sparked to create a resource to help inspire students to practice gratitude and remind them how much they have to be thankful for. 

It’s true, I can’t get enough of Taylor Swift and her Era’s tour. This teacher turned Swiftie couldn’t resist creating a Taylor Swift inspired Thanksgiving Bulletin Board.

Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Kit: "In my thankful era"

This trendy thanksgiving bulletin board reads” In my thankful era” and is available in a pennant banner or a circle banner. 

Are you looking for a fun activity to do with your students during this Holiday season? Or are you looking for an activity that will dress up your classroom for the Holiday season? Are you ready to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your students? Or perhaps you are just looking for a thanksgiving bulletin board idea that is different from last year. Look no further because this Thanksgiving Thankful Bulletin Board Kit does just that.

  Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Kit: "In my thankful era" 2

What’s included?

  • A pennant banner bulletin board option
  • A circle banner bulletin board option
  • Small “I am thankful cards”
  • A thankful writing prompt (w/o a picture)
  • A thankful writing prompt w/ a picture
  • b&w options

Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Kit: "In my thankful era" 2

Okay I'm digging this, so how do I use it?

Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Kit: "In my thankful era" 1

It’s really just that easy! 

Enjoy this holiday season by allowing us to take one thing off of your plate. Your students, colleagues and administrators will love this quick and easy thanksgiving bulletin board which also displays your students’ beautiful work and allows them to practice gratitude at any time of the year. 

With that said, I want to take the time to thank you for being here, reading this blog when there are one million other things begging for your attention. We love and appreciate that you continue to support our small business. 


Happy teaching!

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