Hi, I'm Rose!

Learning With Rei was founded in 2022 after giving birth to my first daughter, Reina. Previously, I pursued blogging and creating resources under a different title as an amateurIt was only after having my daughter that I realized that I wanted to provide more value and truly leave an impact on the world. 

I am mostly passionate about helping teachers and parents who are feeling overwhelmed and defeated. If you are struggling and don't know where to start, you are in the right place. As a teacher and a homeschooling mama, I have experienced both public and homeschooling education. I can help you navigate curriculumdesign lessons that spark your students or children's interests,  provide you with tools to gauge your students/children's levels in literacy and mathematics & so much more.

My hope is that the products and services that we provide here at Learning With Rei make your life as a teacher, or homeschooling mama/papa, just a little bit easier, because boy is teaching in any setting hard enough! 


Rose Garabito

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