Graphic Organizers for Fiction & Nonfiction

Graphic Organizers for Fiction & Nonfiction

The year is 2023. Classroom teachers all over the U.S. (and honestly the world) are struggling right now with getting their students back on track in the post COVID world that we live and teach in. Classrooms everywhere have struggling readers, students who are struggling with the basics in mathematics and even work habits. I believe, as well as many other educators, that the impact of COVID will have an effect on classrooms for many more years to come. 

The question then becomes: how can we help these struggling learners? How can we use the time that we have with students efficiently? What resources can help these struggling learners close the gap? What do modern day elementary students need? 

These are all questions that have quite literally kept me up at night. I’ve been racking my brain searching for answers, trying to come up with solutions for teachers and students. 

Looking back and reflecting on my time inside the classroom, I always had a variety of learners from the beginning of time. Although there was a variety, the majority of my students were significantly below their peers in an ICT or ENL setting. I remember spending hours searching for resources that my students could easily understand with or without teacher assistance and trying to find resources for my learners that took out the fluff, maybe even looked less “cute” but truly moved the needle in their understanding of the reading comprehension strategies that I was teaching. 

The graphic organizers I kept finding were overwhelming, filled with clipart and details that were completely unnecessary. The reading comprehension strategies resources I kept finding were distracting to me as a teacher, so forget an elementary aged student. 

After racking my brain trying to figure out a solution or two, I finally decided to create the resources that I wish I had in my classroom. A reading comprehension graphic organizer bundle that was simple, straight-forward and easy for teachers and students to understand. 

This bundle is a resource that can be used over and over again, year after year, group after group for all learners. The reading comprehension strategies bundle includes everything needed to truly teach 10 reading comprehension strategies from start to finish. 


This is your one stop shop to teach all of the above skills as there are character trait lists included, lists of sequence words & so much more. You can reuse the lists by stapling them into your student's reading notebooks, keeping them in a reading folder, or copying and pasting the slides to individual lessons. These reading comprehension graphic organizers are easily differentiated based on your students current reading comprehension levels.

These reading comprehension graphic organizers can be posted to your online learning platform of choice, or printed for easy access for your students. And the best part? Each skill has a writing extension activity so the learning and possibilities are endless!


Teachers like you said:

"I love it! It's simple and easy to use!" -Amanda

"I like that it can be used with any book during any time of the day. Students can use it during center rotations, small groups and more!" -Brianna

My hope is that this resource makes teachers' lives easier in one way or another. I hope that the reading comprehension strategies graphic organizers for fiction and non-fiction become a staple in your classroom community, allowing you to reach your students no matter what their current reading level is. 

Teaching is hard enough. That is why I create products to make teachers' lives just a little bit easier. 

Happy teaching!

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